Sponsor Us
No matter how large or small, a gift for membership in the Friends of San Luis Obispo Master Chorale makes a difference and enables the SLO Master Chorale to contribute exceptional music to the community.
Please review these special sponsorship packages available for the 2024/2025 season celebrating SLO Master Chorale’s 40th Anniversary.
San Luis Obispo Master Chorale’s
40th Anniversary Celebration
Saturday, March 1, 2025
Embassy Suites San Luis Obispo
333 Madonna Rd, San Luis Obispo, CA 93405
Contact Katelyn Schiavone at (805) 538-3311 or email katelyn@slomasterchorale.org to confirm your sponsorship today.
$10,000 Level Presenting Sponsor
Recognition as sponsor of one SLO Master Chorale concert
Four Dress Circle season tickets to SLO Master Chorale concerts
Four tickets to the 40th Anniversary Celebration event on March 1, 2025
Verbal recognition at the 40th Anniversary Celebration event and SLO Master Chorale concerts
Name and/or logo on all marketing material, including advertisements, flyers, program, posters, and direct mail
Name and/or logo with link on website
$7,500 Level Composing Sponsor
Recognition as sponsor of Meredith Brammeier’s World Premier composition, featured in the SLO Master Chorale’s Encore! concert on November 24, 2024
Four Dress Circle season tickets to SLO Master Chorale concerts
Four tickets to the 40th Anniversary Celebration event on March 1, 2025
Verbal recognition at the 40th Anniversary Celebration event and SLO Master Chorale concerts
Name and/or logo on all marketing material, including advertisements, flyers, program, posters, and direct mail
Name and/or logo with link on website
$5,000 Level Gold Sponsor
Recognition as co-sponsor of one SLO Master Chorale concert
Four Dress Circle season tickets to SLO Master Chorale concerts
Two tickets to the 40th Anniversary Celebration event on March 1, 2025
Verbal recognition at the 40th Anniversary Celebration event and SLO Master Chorale concerts
Name and/or logo on all marketing material, including advertisements, flyers, program, posters, and direct mail
Name and/or logo with link on website
$2,500 Level Silver Sponsor
Recognition as a Beyond the Notes event sponsor for 2024/2025 SLO Master Chorale season
Two Dress Circle season tickets to SLO Master Chorale concerts
Verbal recognition at the 40th Anniversary Celebration event and SLO Master Chorale concerts
Name and/or logo on all marketing material, including advertisements, flyers, program, posters, and direct mail
Name and/or logo on website
$2,000 Level Bronze Sponsor
Recognition as sponsor of one of four soloists in the SLO Master Chorale's performance of Verdi’s Requiem on Sunday, April 27, 2025
Four Dress Circle tickets to SLO Master Chorale's concert on Sunday, April 27, 2025
Name and/or logo on all marketing material, including advertisements, flyers, program, posters, and direct mail
Name and/or logo on website
Support the San Luis Obispo Master Chorale with a one-time donation instead
Media Sponsorships
$5,000 Level
Table of 10 seats at the 40th Anniversary Celebration event on March 1, 2025
Full-page color ad in the printed SLO Master Chorale concert program
Four orchestra tickets to SLO Master Chorale concerts
Business name/logo incuded on the invitation for the 40th Anniversary Celebration event
Business name/logo on all marketing material, including advertisements, flyers, program, posters, and direct mail
Business name/logo with link on website
$2,500 Level
$2,500 Level
Half-page b/w ad in the printed SLO Master Chorale concert program
Four orchestra tickets to SLO Master Chorale concerts
Verbal recognition at SLO Master Chorale concerts
Business name/logo on all marketing material, including advertisements, flyers, program, posters, and direct mail
Business name/logo with link on website
$1,000 Level
Quarter-page b/w ad in the printed SLO Master Chorale concert program
Two orchestra tickets to SLO Master Chorale concerts
Business name/logo on all marketing material, including advertisements, flyers, program, posters, and direct mail
Business name/logo with link on website
$500 Level
Eighth-page (business card) b/w ad in the printed SLO Master Chorale concert program
Two orchestra tickets to SLO Master Chorale concerts
Business name/logo with link on website
Thank you to our
Season Sponsors